Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2021

New reflection formulas for Euler sums


In this study, we apply the Ramanujan summation method to a certain class of Euler sums and provide new reflection formulas that extend the well-known relations of symmetry between reciprocal linear Euler sums.
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Dates and versions

hal-02921391 , version 1 (25-08-2020)
hal-02921391 , version 2 (12-01-2021)
hal-02921391 , version 3 (01-02-2021)
hal-02921391 , version 4 (17-02-2021)
hal-02921391 , version 5 (10-03-2021)
hal-02921391 , version 6 (24-03-2021)
hal-02921391 , version 7 (16-04-2021)


  • HAL Id : hal-02921391 , version 6


Marc-Antoine Coppo, Bernard Candelpergher. New reflection formulas for Euler sums. 2021. ⟨hal-02921391v6⟩
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