National Halathon 2024


CasuHAL, the HAL users' club, proposes the organization of a national HALathon to the entire scientific community:

"From May 21st to June 4th, 2024, we invite you to submit and/or we will submit scientific publications in full text to HAL."

The objective is to significantly increase the number of full-text documents in HAL within a short period. The scope of this operation will be measured through collaboration with the CCSD. An evaluation is scheduled for June 14th, during the closure of the CasuHAL days.

How to participate?

  • By dissiminating the information within your institution

  • By preparing your submissions according to our recommendations and then depositing them

  • And/or by depositing with our teams present at two sites (MSHS and Campus Trotabas) during three appointments

  • By preparing your submissions according to our recommendations and communicating them to us now via the dedicated form

In practice

The Law for a Digital Republic of October 7, 2016, allows you to deposit the final version of your manuscript (accepted version for publication) resulting from research funded to the extent of 50% from public funds published in a periodical

  • 6 months in the fields of Science, Technology, and Medicine after publication

  • 12 months in Humanities and Social Sciences after publication

Deposit in the open archive is associated with the green route of the open access publishing process.

Reasons for depositing?

  1. Login to the HAL Université Côte d'Azur portal by creating your Hal account if necessary

  2. Click on deposit

  3. Choose the type of document you are depositing

  4. Deposit a file or enter a DOI. The main metadata (titles, authors, abstracts, keywords, etc.) are automatically extracted. Otherwise, proceed directly to the next step

  5. Verify and if necessary complete the authors and their affiliations

  6. Verify and complete the other information

  7. Validate your deposit

We invite you to check Sherpa Romeo for the publication policy of the journal where your article is published.

Three meetings will be organized for this event:

  • Thursday, May 23rd, from 9 am to 12:30 pm, at the Co-Learning, at the entrance of the Trotabas library.

  • Monday, May 27th, from 9 am to 12:30 pm, in flat room (031) of the MSHS South-East.

  • Monday, June 3rd, from 1:30 pm to 5 pm, in flat room (031) of the MSHS South-East.

The SCD team and HAL lab referrers will assist you in making your deposits.

For deposits that we will make on your behalf, we ask you to complete this form. Please note that each researcher is limited to 10 deposits.