Submission of Master 2 theses:

The Master 2 theses submission system is officially open. Before making your deposit, please ensure that your master's degree authorizes it.
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Welcome to the HAL University Côte d'Azur portal

If you want to deposit:

For the attention of the depositor

  • In order to allow a good identification of the publications, make sure to respect in your documents the rules of signature of the scientific publications of Université Côte d'Azur, ,
  • The deposit must be made in agreement with the co-authors and in compliance with the publishers' policy ,
  • Posting is subject to moderation, the management of HAL reserving the right to refuse articles that do not correspond to the criteria of the archive,
  • All deposits are final, no withdrawals will be made after the posting of the article,
  • Text files in pdf format or image files of your deposit are now automatically sent to CINES in a long-term archiving context.

For readers

  • In a context of electronic distribution, any author retains his intellectual rights, in particular the fact of having to be correctly quoted and recognized as the author of a document.

Need help:

We are at your disposal for:

  • help you in your deposits,
  • help you to highlight them thanks to the services of HAL (collections, researcher CV, etc.),
  • answer all your questions about free access,
  • present the archive within your unit.



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Actualités du portail

"From May 21st to June 4th, 2024, we invite you to submit and/or we will submit scientific publications in full text to HAL." The objective is to significantly increase the number of full-text documents in HAL within a short period. The scope of this operation will be measured through collaboration with the CCSD. An evaluation is scheduled for June 14th, during the closure of the CasuHAL days.

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