Journal Articles International Journal of Sport Psychology Year : 2009

Factor Validity and Reliability of the Sport Friendship Quality Scale in a French adolescent sample


The main aim of the present series of studies was to test the factor validity and reliability of the Sport Friendship Quality Scale (SFQS; Weiss & Smith, 1999) in a French adolescent sample. Four studies, involving a total sample of 589 participants , were performed in order to translate items from the SFQS into French (SFQS-FR) and evaluate their clarity (Study 1) and to assess (a) the concurrent validity (Study 2), (b) the factor validity and reliability (Study 3), and (c) the temporal stability (Study 4) of the SFQS-FR. Study 1 provided support for the item content of the preliminary version of the SFQS-FR for adolescents. Study 2 supported the convergent validity of both the SFQS and SFQS-FR. Finally, Studies 3 and 4 provided (a) support for the factorial structure and reliability (i.e., internal consistency and temporal stability) of a seven-factor model of the SFQS-FR, (b) partial support for the factorial invariance for the aforementioned model across gender and age, and (c) support and partial support for the latent mean invariance of the seven-factor model across age and gender, respectively. The present results thus provide preliminary evidence for the appropriateness of the SFQS-FR for adolescents. Nevertheless , further evaluation of this instrument is warranted to establish the robust-ness of the present findings.


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hal-02524698 , version 1 (03-04-2020)


  • HAL Id : hal-02524698 , version 1


Stéphanie Scoffier-Mériaux, Christophe Maïano, Fabienne d'Arripe-Longueville. Factor Validity and Reliability of the Sport Friendship Quality Scale in a French adolescent sample. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 2009, 40, pp.324- 350. ⟨hal-02524698⟩
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