Established in 1955, the French Institute of Pondicherry (IFP) is the biggest of the 26 research centres (UMIFRE) under the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). It is a part of the research unit UAR3330 "Savoirs et Mondes Indiens" jointly with the Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH), New Delhi.

The IFP’s vocation is to conduct research, expertise and training in the fields of Indology (classical texts, history and culture), Social Sciences, Ecology (environment and sustainable development) and Geomatics (geo-spatial monitoring and information technology), in India and South Asia.

- The Department of Indology focuses its attention on the key features of classical India, namely, its religions, literature, languages (Sanskrit, Tamil, etc.) in order to better interpret and study the foundations of modern India.
- The Department of Social Sciences promotes research on the major questions of society and on the relations between human societies and their environment.
- The Department of Ecology focuses its attention on biodiversity and notably on the functioning of fragile ecosystems (forests, mangroves, etc.), by considering man as an important factor in their evolution.
- The Department of Geomatics addresses environmental vulnerabilities and vegetation changes by using cutting-edge technologies (remote sensing, lidar, GIS, information technology).

This site lists the publications (books, chapters, articles, conference papers etc.) of the IFP's researchers. Full-text files are available for some of them.




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